Judge Argues that Lawyers and Judges Should Get Out of the Divorce Business

courtroom gavel

“Suing for divorce” made sense when divorce required proving fault. But with no-fault divorce, there is no need for courts to control divorces. After watching this process for years, I have come to the conclusion that the time has come to consider taking divorce out of the hands of lawyers and judges and putting it in the hands of the parties and whatever advisers they choose,” states Bruce Peterson, a district judge in Hennepin County, MN, in a commentary for the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

He continues with his suggestions to improve the divorce process:

“Here is one possible scenario: Allow a person who wants a divorce to sign for one at a court clerk’s office, maybe with a reasonable waiting period. This would immediately end the fantasy that “getting a divorce” is an accomplishment that will somehow solve a problem.

Instead of the premier source of guidance for hurting spouses being divorce lawyers, who are often drawn reluctantly into being gladiators, let our creative private-enterprise system develop more healing processes.

I picture family resource centers offering a full spectrum of services, from counseling and mediation, to remedial separations while a specific problem like an addiction is addressed, to guided discernment about the decision to divorce, to peaceful divorces.”

Peace Plan Divorce specializes in keeping divorce out of the court system.  Call 949-648-7838 today for more information, or click here to start your case now.


cc flickr photo by Joe Gratz