California Custody Percentage Calculator

Divorcing parents need an easy to way to estimate the percentage of time the children have with each parent.

This number is important because it affects the California Guideline Child Support Calculation. In looking for a free and easy resource for my divorce clients, I found none. So I created this California Custody Percentage Calculator to give parents a rough custody estimate without requiring a degree in calculus, or signing up for a subscription.

Feel free to use this tool whether you’re a Peace Plan Divorce client or not.

Note: This calculator makes the following assumptions:

  • Parties will have a repeating 2-week schedule.
  • Parents will alternate holidays, birthdays, each will get the child(ren) on the appropriate Mother’s and Father’s days.
  • Parents will each take child(ren) on vacations of similar duration during the summer.


Click this link to view my master copy:
Peace Plan Divorce California Custody Percentage Calculator

If you have a Google account, under the title of the document, click “File,” then click “Make a copy.” Your copy will be editable.


If you don’t have a Google account, you may click “File,” then “Download as Microsoft Excel. Some formatting may be lost, but the spreadsheet should work as intended.

Need a monthly schedule? If I have enough requests for one, I may make one. Please send me an email at

Angela Angelovic